A glimpse into my craft room

Fun & Functional Organization

Here’s is a taste of my craft room. Due to some requests, I’m sharing this “mini tour” where you can you can see some of my favorite Get Creative items in-use in my very own space.

Watch the tour here: https://youtu.be/KZiW4rPTVmM

Get Creative Sale items can be seen here: https://www.mythirtyone.com/us/en/creativelyorganizedwithmarybush/11642828/collection/time-to-get-creative

  • All orders of $100 or more ship for only $5.00!
  • Purchases count toward earning ANY Catalog Item/Pink Sky Bundles for 50% Off

Here are the direct links for the items shown:

There are different print styles/patterns to choose from and you can personalize yours, a multitude of ways, for an additional charge. If anyone has any questions, please ask away. I am always available to assist you.

Happy Organizing!


It’s a Craft Room Organization Sale!

There’s some Major Excitement happening here!

You know I’m in the middle of a craft-room re-organization and, My Thirty-One Store just came to my rescue!

Starting at noon today, there is a Get Creative Sale starting! I’m grabbing all of the Sierra Stripe print I can! It is Perfect for my craft room and coordinates with items I already have!

I’ll be back later with all the links but, start thinking…Where could you use these great items in your house?!

  • are you working from home?
  • are you homeschooling your kids?
  • are you a painter?
  • do you love to knit, crochet, sew or needlepoint
  • do you love to paint your nails and collect makeup?
  • are you a scrapbooker?
  • are you a beader?
  • are you a jewelry maker?
  • do you keep a journal or planner?
  • are you a card makers?
  • are you a baker?
  • are you a teacher or know one?

*The Get CreativeTM offer will be available for select styles April 20, 2020 through April 30, 2020, or while supplies last, and cannot be applied to previous purchases. **Insider Rewards and Rewards for Everyone discount may be applied to the full retail price of items. ***Sale Prices will not reflect taxes, shipping or personalization.

Starting at Noon, you can check out the Sale and see our other Get Creative Line items here https://www.mythirtyone.com/1998847?pd=11642828

Now, I’m heading back to sorting out my piles to count how many more Creative Cases I need. I already have 7! They are my favorite!

If you have questions on how a particular item can help you, give me a shout!

Happy Organizing!


Wow! Never underestimate the power of Sharing!

The Power of Sharing!

Never underestimate the power of sharing your ideas!

As you know, I shared my Paper Pumpkin Storage yesterday in three locations: Here on my blog, on my Facebook Page, and in the Paper Pumpkin FB group. This screen shot shows the amazing response I had in the PP group alone.

Within an hour or so of posting, the item I used SOLD OUT on Amazon! A fellow crafter shared an item they ordered as an alternative. Within minutes, that item sold out as well. I was paying it forward because it wasn’t my original idea… I got the idea from someone else.

You just never know who you can help by sharing something that works for you! I certainly never expected this level of response!

What tip/trick can You share? -Mary

Got Paper Pumpkin?

I “think” I have a Paper Pumpkin hoarding problem! I’m afraid I’ve become more of a Paper Pumpkin Collector than a Paper Pumpkin Crafter. I really need to change that. And, these boxes are taking up valuable real estate in my closet! LOL.

I’ve been looking for a way to:

  • Free up the valuable closet space
  • Visually be able to see what I have
  • Be inspired to create with the kits
  • Be able to “grab and go” with a kit

I found a couple of possible storage solutions in the PP Facebook group and ordered a couple of items other folks were using. One was a total bust (lesson learned) but the other was Perfect! I’m so excited! And, I got an added benefit: they fit perfectly in a pair of baskets that were sitting empty and, again, taking up valuable real estate in my craft room, that I just couldn’t figure out how to put to good use. Win-Win!

These kits are so great! I had a nice trip down memory lane as I opened up each box and am so excited to start playing with all of my new goodies! If you have unopened kits in your own home, open them up so you can fall in love with them all over again too!

Happy Stamping! -Mary

Edit: Be sure to follow my new blog and please, feel free to comment with likes/dislikes/suggestions as I am tweaking things as I go along. The link to the pouches I purchased for my kits (through Amazon) can be found HERE. Thanks for following, liking, commenting 😉