Free Virtual Card Class Day 3: 2 New Dino Days Cards Plus Alternative Ideas

Welcome to Day 3 of my Celebrating Dino Days Live At Five Card Classes.

If you are not a Follower of my Page, be sure click over and do so – I share a lot of card ideas and I’m hosting a lot of Virtual Card Classes these days so you won’t want to miss them 😉

You can watch the replay of last night’s class, as well as the prior classes, on my Page or on my YouTube Channel. Access this particular class on YouTube Here.

Download the card images and supply lists for these cards here and here.

Prior cards, and their supply lists, are posted on my blog as well as my Facebook page and YouTube.

Sale-a-bration is coming to an end. Don’t miss out on the exclusive offers only available through the 31st:

  • Earn FREE products from the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Sale-a-bration Releases (such as the Dinoroar DSP used in today’s project) with each $50 you spend 
  • Earn my latest 4-Card Tutorial with orders of $50 or more
  • Paper Pumpkin Pre-Paid Subscriptions are eligible for earning SAB rewards AND you don’t want to miss April’s Kit – It’s sure to please and geared toward celebrating your family and friends.

Rack-up your rewards when you shop my Online Store

Want it all – but at a Discount? Join my “Discount Demos” SandDollar Stampers Team. Follow the link for details, or Contact Me, for more info.

Happy Stamping!


Shop for supplies to create the “Hello, I Miss Your Face” Card:

Shop for supplies to create the Interactive Birthday Card:

Celebrating Dino Days with a Friendship Card

We created this card in last night’s Facebook Live Card Class. I have a recap for you…

Catch my Facebook Live Replay here:

Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel and Follow Me on Facebook so you don’t miss future classes! I have more Dino Days projects coming that I know you will love.

Download the card sample with supply list here.

  • Earn FREE products from the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Sale-a-bration Releases (such as the Dinoroar DSP used in today’s project) with each $50 you spend 
  • Earn my latest 4-Card Tutorial with orders of $50 or more
  • Paper Pumpkin Pre-Paid Subscriptions are eligible for earning SAB rewards AND you don’t want to miss April’s Kit – It’s sure to please and geared toward celebrating your family and friends.

Rack-up your rewards when you shop my Online Store

Want it all – but at a Discount? Join my “Discount Demos” SandDollar Stampers Team. Follow the link for details, or Contact Me, for more info.

Happy Stamping!


Shop for your supplies:

Free Card Class & SAB 3rd Release are now Live

Hello there Stampers!

With only one week remaining of Sale-a-bration, we have a few more Freebies for you! Earn some Annual Catalog items, Free, with qualifying orders. But, you only have a week left!

I’m very excited because, this announcement came right as I enter my week of Dino Days Card Classes on my Facebook Page. Now, you can earn the DinoRoar Designer Series Paper, FREE, when you order the Dino Days Bundle (or any $50 in products). Nice!

We created this card in last night’s Class. I have a recap for you…

Watch the Live Card Class here.

Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel and Follow Me on Facebook so you don’t miss future classes! We will be creating the 2nd card in my serious later today, 5PM (EST), on my Facebook page.

Download the card sample with supply list here.

  • Earn FREE products from the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Sale-a-bration Releases (such as the Dinoroar DSP used in today’s project) with each $50 you spend 
  • Earn my latest 4-Card Tutorial with orders of $50 or more
  • Paper Pumpkin Pre-Paid Subscriptions are eligible for earning SAB rewards AND you don’t want to miss April’s Kit – It’s sure to please and geared toward celebrating your family and friends.

Rack-up your rewards when you shop my Online Store

Want it all – but at a Discount? Join my “Discount Demos” SandDollar Stampers Team. Follow the link for details, or Contact Me, for more info.

Happy Stamping!


Shop for your supplies:

New Class Series: Dino Days

Join me on my Facebook page, today March 23rd, at 5PM (EST), for the first of my Dino Days Live At 5 Class Series.

If you don’t already love these Dinos, you will after my classes 😉

Check out this fun Suite here:

I’ll also share some “alternate” projects so you can see how you can create more unique cards by swapping the DSP/Stamp Set/Bundle. So don’t miss it 😉

Sale-A-Bration will be over in about a week. And, the In-Colors used in my projects, as well as some of the core products in the suite, will retire the first of June. Make sure you have stocked up on re-inkers, card stock, the DSP, and embellishments, so you can keep playing with these products. 

  • Earn FREE products from the 1st and 2nd Sale-a-bration Release (such as the Rise & Shine stamp set used in today’s project) with each $50 you spend 
  • Earn my latest 4-Card Tutorial with orders of $50 or more
  • Paper Pumpkin Pre-Paid Subscriptions are eligible for earning SAB rewards AND you don’t want to miss April’s Kit – It’s sure to please and geared toward celebrating your family and friends.

Rack-up your rewards when you shop my Online Store

Want it all – but at a Discount? Join my “Discount Demos” SandDollar Stampers Team. Follow the link for details, or Contact Me, for more info.

Happy Stamping!


Project Supply List: