Free Card Tutorial: Dandelion Thanks

Dandelion Thanks with Dandelion Wishes and Ornate Thanks

Hello! How are we all doing today? Had enough of this Social Distancing yet? I know I have! I miss my husband, I miss my friends, I miss shopping without terror and not having to sanitize my groceries! Is it a crazy time right now or what?

I am grateful for my dogs and my stamping! #savingoursanitythroughstamping is my new motto!

Today’s card is my version of a card shared on one of our Demonstrator sites. I want to give credit where credit is due but, I can’t find the original! Ugh. I created this from memory but I remember that her card used different colors and different stamping. Lately, I find myself up until past midnight, too many nights… scrolling Pinterest, Facebook Groups, YouTube… what about you?

I have put together a Free Tutorial for my card. You can Download it here:

This cards features the Ornate Thanks stamp set from the  New Ornate Garden Suite. This suite is currently available in my Online Store as a pre-release from our upcoming Annual Catalog!

To get your hands on yours, place your order through my store, Join my Host Club, or  join my Stampin’ Family and add products from this suite to your Starter Kit! With Demonstrator Pre-Order of the upcoming Annual Catalog right around the corner, It’s a decision you won’t regret! 

Contact Me for more details or read the benefits and join here:

Rack-up your rewards when you shop my Online Store

  • Earn my latest 4-Card Tutorial , FREE, with all orders of $50 or more
  • Paper Pumpkin Pre-Paid Subscriptions can be purchased as part of Host Club orders, are eligible for earning Hostess rewards, are eligible toward earning my Free Tutorials, AND, you don’t want to miss May’s Kit – It’s loaded with surprise sneak-peeks from the upcoming Annual Catalog 😉

Happy Stamping!


Shop for supplies to create this card:

Ornate Garden Suite is Now Available

The Ornate Garden Suite is now available for everyone!

I have been using this suite a lot in my Online Classes and you are going to love creating with these products!

Add them to your starter kit, when you join my Stampin’ Team, purchase the entire suite with one easy item number (it’s an easy button for stampers, lol) or order bits and pieces individually. I suggest, whatever way you order, that you add on an extra pack of the gorgeous Designer Series Papers 😉

See more card samples, view all of the products offered in the suite, and order yours here:

While shopping for your own Ornate Garden Suite, remember:

  • You will earn my latest 4-Card Tutorial, FREE, with orders of $50 or more
  • Paper Pumpkin Pre-Paid Subscriptions are eligible for earning Host Rewards AND you don’t want to miss April’s Kit – It’s sure to please and geared toward celebrating your family and friends.
  • You can rack-up additional rewards when you shop my Online Store

Want it all – but at a Discount? Join my “Discount Demos” SandDollar Stampers Team. Follow the link for details, or Contact Me, for more info.

Happy Stamping!


Card: Ornate Garden Fancy Fold

We had our virtual Team Meeting yesterday and this card (or close to it) was presented.

I started creating it the second the meeting ended, LOL

Of course, it’s a CASE (originally created by Ruth Norton) but I put my own spin on it. I added the detailed frame around the greeting and the strip of Terracotta Tile Card Stock. I always have to put a bit of “Me” into my cards 😉

Download the Supply List for my card here:

This cards features a lot of goodies from the New Ornate Garden Suite. This suite is currently only available to Demonstrators before going “Live” on April 1st.

To get your hands on yours, join my Stampin’ Family and add products from this suite to your Starter Kit! It’s a decision you won’t regret!

Contact Me for more details or read the benefits and join here:

Sale-a-bration is coming to an end. Don’t miss out on the exclusive offers only available through the 31st:

  • Earn FREE products from the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Sale-a-bration Releases with each $50 you spend 
  • Earn my latest 4-Card Tutorial with orders of $50 or more
  • Paper Pumpkin Pre-Paid Subscriptions are eligible for earning SAB rewards AND you don’t want to miss April’s Kit – It’s sure to please and geared toward celebrating your family and friends.

Rack-up your rewards when you shop my Online Store

Want it all – but at a Discount? Join my “Discount Demos” SandDollar Stampers Team.

Happy Stamping!


Shop for supplies to create this card: